Saturday, 6/30 Warm (so what else is new?) We crossed the banks today. The original plan was to be in Bimini for a wedding tonight, but since we lost a day recovering, and it was late afternoon when we arrived at Gun, we decided it would be too late with poor light to enter Bimini. We also figured we could make the crossing to Lauderdale directly from Gun.The last time we were here, we anchored on the West Side of Honeymoon Harbor – the wind was out of the East and, although we had some swells, it was still comfortable. The next morning Wayne checked our fuel reserves & realized we had to go to Bimini anyway to get fuel. Oh well, you win some…you loose some. Sunday, 7/1 - As we approached Bimini we were amazed by what seemed like hundreds of small boats leaving the harbor in a flotilla headed for the States. We wondered what was happening then realized it was the beginning of the July 4th weekend…so, why are they going the other way?? We docked for fuel and I took Molly for a short walk but, sadly, there was no time to visit Fred or Billy. It was an easy crossing with the floppers out.
Once the East Coast skyline came into view, it still took hours to reach Port Everglades. I’ve only been through this pass once and that was (you guessed it) on a cruise ship. Impressive when you’re on a small boat with the enormous cruise ships docked all over.We wound our way around to Lake Sylvia about mid afternoon. There were lots of little boats anchored here for the weekend. We circled the lake until we found a good spot then anchored for the night. 7/2 – 7/9 We love staying on the New River…It brings back great memories of when we first met in 1999 & I would drive up after work for the week-ends. Good news - We are able to tie up just about where we were two years ago. It’s close
BLUE MAX on the New River @ the 3rd Ave bridge
walking distance to everything is a short walk over the Andrew’s Ave bridge to the Downtowner bar and restaurant.Capt’n Wayne had some difficulty docking, as the current was moving swiftly. After tying up, the dock master asked if we could move a little closer to the 3rd Ave. bridge. We said ‘sure’, if he would stay and assist with the lines. By this time the current has subsided and it was an easier task. We were happy to be in “our spot”.We had a very pleasant week. Discovered more improvements to the River Walk area since our last visit. In addition to the shops, movie theaters and free live music every night, we found a new fountain that, at certain times of the day, play wonderful music. You can regulate the movement of the water by placing your hand over certain spots around the fountain. It works with ultra sound: when you move
your hand, the fountain height and colors change. It’s fascinating & a gift from Wayne Huizenga. At the opposite end of this park they constructed a high tech band shell with wide, cement seating area behind the stage. It faces a large expanse of a grassy area where the audience can bring lawn chairs and blankets.I saw the full-length version movie of Grease & had a ball.There is so much to do everyday, we didn’t know what we should do first. We discovered that we could have free picky foods if we had at least two drinks at the Downtowner. Two drinks? no sweat for us and that became our dinner for two nights.Another night we stopped at a historic Inn located west of the railroad tracks on the River Walk. It is now an elegant restaurant and bar.What a gorgeous place. They cater weddings & events – the surroundings are magnificent with a wide porch facing the river. We had never been there before and decided to try their happy hour. Surprise, they too had food: Sushi! Me eat Sushi? don't think so. The barmaid explained it all to me and how to eat it. What the heck, the ‘new me’ tried it - it was surprisingly good. So much for dinner that night. Did I say, “We love to be in Ft Lauderdale”? A reason to stop in Lauderdale was to replace the batteries.They were nine years old and over the past several weeks he had been nursing them along like running the generator a lot more
than normal.I used this time to wander around the shops on Los Olas. I splurged and bought something new! I found several consignment shops as well. So many things and places to choose from – I was in my glory & alone too. One night we listened to music at O’Haras on Los Olas Blvd. Another day we toured a museum and another day we walked, what seemed to be forever, all the way to Rt 84 to Sailor Man, 2 water maker companies, an antique shop, a pawn shop and a clothing store where Wayne finally bought a new par of Sportif shorts. I bought 3 pair of Sportif shorts and 2 “frosty” mugs. Good grief, we’re actually shopping - I hate to shop. It was a great week but the time to return home was drawing quickly closer. Somehow, Wayne ran into a boat broker, Jack Cuddire, who happened to be the individual who was involved with outfitting and customizing BLUE MAX (originally named SYNTAX) then selling her to her to the first owners in Boston way back in 1981! Jack came to the boat. It was amazing what he remembered and was interested in the many changes that have been made to BLUE MAX over the years. Originally, we planned to leave Lauderdale on Wednesday and spend the weekend in Marathon so I could see mom, go to Dockside and go dancing at the Village Cafe on Saturday night. But our plans changed again which is something you have to get used to living aboard. We needed fuel and couldn’t get it from the barge until Monday morning – fuel was available from a marina at about $.50 more per gallon and we needed 300 gallons. The weather forecast looked like we’d have lots of rain and thunderstorms on Monday. Well, we would go anyway, “after all, what’s the worst that can happen”? We figured we could always stop in Miami or along Elliott Key like we did in April. Monday, 7/9
The alarm went off about 5:00 am!!! We rendezvoused with the fuel barge at 7:00. The weather looked OK & we decided to travel “outside” and try and push it the entire way to Long
Key.It took 14 long hours and passed through several squalls. I had to get acquainted with the Radar. It wasn’t the most pleasant trip but now we just wanted to get home. (yea – right!) We continued to run after dark – the only time we did on this entire trip.We anchored in Long Key Bight near the Channel 5 bridge.It was raining and dark as hell.Our charts are out of date as there is a new, lighted red marker at the bight.We were extremely cautious, last time we were here in January 2001, we dragged anchor in the middle of the night. Tuesday, 7/10
We anchored in Niles Channel to wait for a high enough tide to get to the cottage. We had really mixed feelings about the trip being at an end - even discussed turning around (hell, I was serious!). The cell phone rang…it was Meredith…”Welcome home”. She was crossing over the Niles Channel Bridge and saw us. We took the dinghy to the house and was greeted to a totally over grown yard. What a mess to come home to! The house was clean but the porch was trashed from rain and it was difficult not to start cleaning right away. We reviewed the tide chart again then “sounded” out the channel with the oar from the dinghy.Wayne and I had several lively discussions about the best and safest way to enter the channel tomorrow. No doubt we are two very headstrong people.Wednesday, 7/11 We got BLUE MAX in without any real difficulty – bumped a little, but nothing serious. We were actually home after an incredible 3-month adventure.The best part is that we didn’t kill each other after being together 24/7. Yes…it was quite an adventure and I was fortunate to have a boss who allowed me to take the time and a great staff to take over. Wayne and I learned many lessons about each other; how to be partners and a functioning team. I learned much about the nuts and bolts of the boat, how to drive and dock her, navigation skills, how to clean a really big fish and cook it like the Bahamians. Wayne learned more about cooking, fishing and emotions.
I heartily recommend an extended getaway for all of you who think you have all the time in the world left.
Remember, life is short so Seize the day (Carpe Diem)
(And, your dessert first)