Wednesday, June 30, 2010
2010 - 5/31 - 6/30 - Ho Hum - Ho Hum
I spent most of Monday, May 31st sleeping and taking Contact. My cough was loose but temp was normal . I was feeling better by Tuesday but still had that annoying cough. I did menial things the rest of the week like work on my pictures . Friday, June 4th .. that night I worked the tour boat kiosk handing out information
and talking up the river cruises. About 8:45, Shane & Mickie showed up with their bikes and fold up chairs. I didn’t know they show a movie in the park on “first Friday“. Tonight’s movie was Blind Side which I wanted to see. I hightailed it to the boat got my chair and wine. What a perfect night and the movie was good. Wayne went to the car show. Saturday - Sunday, June 5th & 6th we continued to work - So this is retirement?! Wayne continued with the never-ending task of wiring & electrical for the inverters - he never dreamed it would be so complicated. Mind you, he’s created and built from scratch…but he’s not an electrician. What he’s done so far is remarkable. I sanded and put more Cetol on the window frames. Sunday was the season premier for Drop Dead Diva - I got hooked on the show last year… It was still very hot. The rest of the week was more of the same ole, same ole. I spent most of Wednesday the 9th helping Tom and Susan complete all the bullshit paper work required by our “paperless” government. The ’boys’ removed a large section of hand rail. We took a much needed break on Friday, June 11th afternoon
and took the girls to DeSoto Memorial Park/Beach. We were surprised to find Tom and RIVER SKIPPER there . The water was warm enough for me to go in. Molly swam around almost the entire time - good 
for her tired old joints. And Scupper ran as fast as she could up and down the beach. The park is monitoring for oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that occurred in April - no oil seen-yet...
What a nice break in the week. That night we played dominoes with Tom and Susan…end to another perfect day. On Sunday, June 13th we had Tom and Sue (REMEDY) over for dinner. It was the first time I cooked pork in the slow cooker and boy, was it ever perfect - served with rice and black beans. Sue made Key Lime pie for dessert - YUM! On Monday I continued to work with Susan on her paperwork and finally completed all applications including one for beer and wine. Everything was in order and ready for them to visit the agencies. Wayne sanded the entire cap rail in preparation to put a few layers of wood preservative and Cetol on before the
stanchions are permanently secured to the rail. This process wasn‘t in our plan so now the stanchions and hand rails have to be removed again for me to do that. Tuesday I spent scraping off the varnish from where Wayne couldn’t get with the sander. I had to take frequent breaks as it was SO HOT the sweat was dripping in my eyes. Who knows, maybe I’ll loose that 10#s I gained over the past 2 years !! The rub rail has taken a beating in the past 20+ years and talk of replacing the whole thing began. But I just said, and Wayne promised - NO MORE PROJECTS !! (yea...right!) By Wednesday it was a ‘given’ - the rub rails will be replaced (so much for my influence). I immediately stopped scraping and started taking the million screws out of the rub rails. By mid-afternoon storm clouds showed up…mind you we haven’t had a drop of rain since we’ve been here. We could use some rain, if nothing else to wash down the boat. Thunder and lightening all around us but no rain. Thursday, Overcast most of the day and a great relief from the sun. I got a call from Tom, “I think I have a medical issue”. I grabbed my stethoscope and Wayne and hightailed it to his boat. For two weeks he’s had dizziness, heavy feeling in his chest, pain down both arms and labored breathing when walking - it got worse today. Classic Angina symptoms suggestive of a blockage. His long awaited Coast Guard inspection was today at 2 pm. I suggested he postpone that and strongly suggested that he report to the ER right now. He made arrangements to have Benjamin be with the Guard. Susan was cleaning the tour boat during all this…I went down to explain the situation. I could see the panic in her eyes. Once examined, the doctor called to talk to me. Tom said he wanted my opinion. He stayed over night, angiogram to be done on in the morning. Friday We had a significant rain fall at sunrise. It sure was nice to stay in bed and listen to the sounds. Turns out Tom had at least 80% blockage on the right and left…3 stents put in today - 3 more on Monday. The doc said he probably would have died had he gone out on the boat. He was a prisoner in the hospital for the entire weekend . Wayne had started to clean up the mess of tools when Mickey and Kathryn arrived. Great excuse to stop working. We went to the Riverhouse for happy hour and a bunch of appetizers. Took this picture as
sun was shining on the windows of the building across the river. Neat, hugh? Don’t know why Wayne & Mick were so tired as they didn’t do anything but both were in bed and asleep before 8pm. (but not together) Kate and I watched TV & out on the deck to smoke. Susan joined us-Kate and I with wine, Susan with beer. We talked, told stories Laughed at lot - just the emotional break we all needed. We talked about how healthy Tom is, Susan feeds him all the healthful foods, his labs are and have always been normal - so how in the world did he wind up with blockage? We decided it doesn’t really matter that you exercise, eat right, keep cholesterol low blah, blah - if it’s your turn - it’s your turn...we all agreed. Hell with healthy eating, Susan brought out potato chips and we ate the whole bag !! OMG! Kate fell into the boat - somehow she saved the wine glass !! Big bloody gash in her lower leg and hematoma on thigh. She was lucky she didn’t go right thru the windows. In the meantime, both guys slept thru the entire event!! Week of June 20th NOW this is really getting boring so I won’t go into day to day activities - you can thank me later. Tom came home on Tuesday, however, his souvenir was a very large, nasty looking hematoma in his right groin and was spreading. Ultrasound and treatment done immediately. I put 3 coats of Cetol on the port-side cap rails this week. On Friday Wayne and I ran very heavy wires from the batteries located in the aft extension thru the cabinets and drawers in our cabin to the inverters in the engine room. To do this, we had to remove all the bedding to get to the exterior hull between the cabin and the extension. What a project !! AH….life on a boat. Even though I hate being in the a/c, it’s been SO hot we’re finding reasons to stay inside the boat. On Saturday I was
working on the computer when I heard the sounds of BIG engines. We both ran outside and saw about 8 BIG go-fast boats passing us towards the boat ramp. Actually, they were docking at the café and were
part of the Poker Run. ‘Remedy’ Tom, Sue, Wayne and I were going to participate but decided that we’d be burned alive in the sun in our dinghies. I can see it now, our two tiny dinghies cruising next to these monsters. It was a glorious full moon on the weekend. Week of June 27th On Sunday, I put the 4th coat of Cetol ‘natural’ on the Port side Cap rail. Tropical Storm Alex formed in the south Gulf. I made a cold pasta salad to take to (Remedy) Tom & Sue’s for dinner tonight. Tom smoked ribs and pork all day, Sue grilled veggies- it was a great dinner and we got to meet Tom’s daughter, Christina, who just graduated from college and will live with them for awhile. Tom just bought a Hi Def-Blue Ray recorder. We already saw Avatar at movie night, so we watched it again on Blue Ray. We’re hooked-wow, what a difference! I thanked Tom for giving Wayne yet another idea for a project - his defense? “I’m only the messenger” ! yea, right! It’s a conspiracy I tell you !!! TS Alex turned into a Cat 1 and made landfall in NE Mexico on the 30th.
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