Eric & me
from ‘up north‘. They were staying at the cottage for a few days. Eric is close friend of Mickey’s which 
makes him our close friend too. I reminded Eric not to stand with his hand on his hip cuz he was in Key West and some may get the wrong idea ! The two 
beauties were at Dante’s - an example of things to come. The ‘lady’ in red is a guy. Wayne plants a kiss
our neighbor, Joey. Obviously, Wayne had a blast !! Well I did too but no one took my picture with all 
those gorgeous men I saw! Paul, Carol, her daughter, Tina & Dave arrived from Philly for their annual two-week vacation. They arrived at the cottage about 2:00 am, Saturday, Oct. 30th.
Body Painting
The gang wanted toattend the Fest parade that night. We decided to stay in KW and join them. This was the first time in over 10 years that I was a spectator and not working in the street. As usual, the parade started late.
Code enforcement trying to upgrade their image! NOT!
HUH ????????
Girl vs Guy ????????????/
Now she's pretty
One tall dude
We waited and watched for them and by 8:30 I got them on the phone only to learn that they were still at home !! We never did catch up with them until the parade was over!
Motor Boat me Elmo ???????????