10/8 The sun finally ate away most of the gloomy weather but still had intermittent, brief showers. We moved back to G-Town, this time behind Peace & Plenty. Wayne’s been trying
to get his new computer set-up - he’s frustrated that he only gets sporadic Internet even though I’m connected on my computer-having no problems. We’re worried about the stock market since it took a nose dive several days ago. We talked for hours about what to do & the decision was made to return to Nassau to see the Periodontist…from there? Who knows. 10/11 We readied the boat; put the dinghy on board & deployed the floppers & fish…we left at 10:30 traveling ‘outside’. It was still a bit choppy from all the storms. I’d say ‘choppy’ was a sailor’s way of saying “we had 3’ to 5’ seas all the way hitting our aft, port-side quarter-no problemo”. We arrived at Farmer’s Cay about 4:30 & a great feeling to just stop. TV, Internet, sunny skies, no rain & the water is clean & clear - we’re rockin now. I got the name & phone number of the Periodontist in Nassau & made an appointment for Monday which gave us
5 days to get there & time to re-visit Black Point. 10/12 While pulling the anchor, discovered that the bow thruster wasn’t working-the motor was on but no motion. We left at 11, arrived in Black Point at 1:00. Perfect timing to walk around town then have dinner at Lorraine’s. Wayne was concerned about the thruster & right away he figured something was “drastically wrong” - He got his tools & compressor out ready to take apart the thruster…I opted for something simple like cleaning off the blades & that’s apparently all it needed…OK-we can go now? Since the tools were out, he decided to change the zincs…then he checked the dirty bottom - could use a cleaning. About 4 hours later, he completed his tasks but now too late to roam around town & Lorraine didn’t respond to my VHF call so I have to cook - again. TV but no Internet. 10/13 Pulled anchor at 10 & went ‘outside’ (the sound). It was sunny, hot & the sea was like a lake. We passed this compound on Sampson Cay. Construction continues on both of
these houses but the wind generators look like their there to stay. Interesting set up. We anchored at Highborne Cay for the night. TV & the net. 10/14 Sunny, breezy with a 1-2’ chop for our 4+ hour trip to Nassau however, heavy storm clouds were all around us. We got just wet enough to clean the boat. We saw heavy rain, thunder & lightening covering Nassau & Paradise Island, we slowed hoping it would pass before we got to the dock. Lady luck strikes again…only a drizzle when I tied up. We wandered over to the Poop Deck for appetizers & didn’t get home until 11ish. The place was hopping as it was Columbus Day holiday. Had a wonderful time talking with some locals & a couple who was going on the dive boat docked across from us. 10/15 - 10/16 The weather couldn’t have been worse - well, it could if was a hurricane, but it was pretty gloomy - overcast, windy & rain. At least we had Internet to keep us busy…that is until a familiar boat docked next to us.
We saw this boat, R/V SEA DRAGON, in 2001 cruising Conception Cay, loved her look & took a picture of her. Dan & his partner, Sue have had this dive-chartering business almost 40 years now. There
were 5 dogs aboard!! They just dropped off a group of 9 divers & a few days later, a new group of 8 arrived. Dan & Wayne talked for hours. They dive mostly in the Exumas. 10/17 Going to the dentist’s office was quite an adventure for Wayne- which bus to take, from which location? They pulled the tooth because it was cracked; another round of antibiotics. He’ll finish the process of getting a new tooth in the states. Went to the grocery & liquor store-weather was still crappy & gloomy. Paula & Allen met us at the Poop Deck on the 18th. The wind clocked around now coming from the South - a front was coming. Peter, manager @ the Harbour Club, gave us a gift - a free night until the wind abated a bit. We relocated closer to down-town & anchored just outside the Green Parrot. Mouths watering for that Blue Cheese Bacon Burger, we went ashore. Lots of partying going on at the bar by a group from the cruise ship. Nice people from Baltimore & boaters too. We were told of a Junkanoo parade on
Friday nights at the Marina Village @ Atlantis so we took the dinghy over - there’s no dinghy dock so we tied up at the end of a dock hoping she’d still be
there on our return. I can see it now - BLUE MAX docked in between these 100-200 foot yachts! At least it didn’t rain but it was cool. The ‘village’ reminded me of Disney...Colorful & interesting shops, gorgeous, high-end restaurants & landscaping to die for. We got a few slices of pizza & watched the people go by. I was surprised it was so crowded & I don’t think I’ve seen so many little kids in one place -I mean every couple had at least one. Aren’t we in a recession? We wandered over to Bimini Road, a restaurant/bar with a colorful & cozy porch. We sat at the bar & waited & waited…no parade but we met
some great people. When there’s a special occasion, a group of guys grab their drums & cow bells & play Bahamian music at the table. About 9:30 pm, we finally asked someone (DUH!) when the 
parade would start. Turns out the parade happens on Wednesday & Saturday nights. No matter, it was still a nice night. ‘Oh Sugar” called out to Wayne. I’ve
never been in a store like this - I was intrigued & saw candy I haven‘t seen in years & so much of it!
Thankfully, the dinghy was still there. We were in touch with Paula planning for the week-end. Even though it was cloudy, windy & cool on Saturday, it turned out to be a perfect day to attend the International Food Festival held at Heritage Park. The park is huge & was filled to capacity…people wait all year to attend this event. There were representatives from many countries, including Cuba, USA, China, SriLanka, Bahamas & Greece…The food & their wares were amazing. I think the USA had the wine tent - a Glass for $5 or $10 for the
Cuban Tent
Cuban Artist
whole bottle - what would you do?? This guy was everything coconut - his hat, purse & wine ‘glass’. I
Handsome 'Coconut' Guy
spent some time in the Cuban store & bought some goodies. And, of course, we ate & ate. We were so lucky to be at the right place, at the right time & with good friends to share it with.

The 'girls' were widely happy to see us after being left alone most of the day. Scupper honed in on something - she smelled something under the dunnage box. Her nose has never deceived her & I knew something was amiss. Wayne knelt down trying to see what it could be. "good grief, don't put your hand under there", I said. He said not to worry, nothing's there...right! He took most everything out of the box & out shot a rat! He was frantic (the rat, not Wayne) By now Molly arrived on the scene. The rat took off for the front of the boat & headed straight into Molly & Scupper was in pursuit behind it; they all met at the water dish; the rat dipped in, then out, reversed course & ran up the starboard side toward the front of the boat; we were all in hot pursuit now; I was frantically closing all hatches & doors; the pups were barking & running in every direction; where the hell did he go? Scupper still had the scent but couldn't identify exactly where he went. There were 3 alternatives for our little buddy, into the forward hatch that goes into the head, down the chain pipe, which also leads to the forward head or overboard - we didn't see him swim ashore so we figured he was still on the boat. We put Decon out as a treat...didn't touch it. The next day Scupper got the scent again this time in the chart drawer. We put the Decon in the drawer...didn't touch it but something was nibbling on the paper. Never did find him, see him or smell him again. We figured he hopped a ride on the dinghy at the Green Parrot while we were at the festival. And you all wonder what we do for excitment?!
10/23 OMG! The sun’s out! We cruised over to the beach on Rose Island with Paula, Allen & Kaleigh. The water had a bit of a chill but still warm enough to be enjoyable. We moved the boat to the calmer, south side of the island for dinner of steak & baked potatoes. Before we left the states I bought all 5 years (1997-2002) worth of episodes of one of my favorite TV shows, Ali McBeal & tonight we watched the 1st disc. Wayne thought I was nuts but he laughed right along with me. We went to the Green Parrot on Tuesday - the place was packed with people ready to play Trivia for the benefit of the Humane Society. We stayed for 2 rounds just to see how smart we were. It was an unexpected, fun night. We planned to leave Nassau on Thursday, 10/27 but the weather forecast was ’iffy’. I decided it was time for a break, I needed some space & maybe even some fun. I wandered around the

straw market & bought a few baseball caps then I heard great music coming from Señor Frogs. I’ve never been to one-now‘s as good time as ever. What a wild & fun place! This lady was having the time of her life- (note the balloons) I really admired her attitude. There’s a DJ & a sort-of MC. They got everyone up for
Me getting my first shot
games, conga line & dancing. If you were in the conga line, they gave you rum drink shots in different parts of the room. I have no idea who put the ‘flower’ on my hat nor do I know who took this picture? (hey…I only had 1 rum drink) At the bar, I sat next to Wayne, in green ‘T’. he is manager of the tour operation on the Glory (Carnival line). What a nightmare job - the other 2 work for him. (Oh…to be 30 yrs younger) nice kids.
We remained anchored in front of the Green Parrot where I was still able to use their WIFI thanks to our high powered antennae. I wasn't a perfect forecast but we bit the bullet & left Nassau around 10ish on the 10/28 heading for Andros. We have to get a move on if we want to be in Bradenton in time for Tom’s birthday
Green Parrot on left - Lucianos on right
party on 11/12 & & to dodge the many fronts coming through. The seas were NOT favorable - it was a crappy 5 hour trip. Arrived in Morgan's Bluff Harbor at 3:30 & was greeted with loud & wonderful Bahamian music coming from what looked like a fair ground. We were tired & felt we just went through the rinse cycle. Later we regretted not going.(isn’t that always the way it goes?) A DJ played most of the time but we also heard what sounded like a live band & a high school field band. Wayne said the music didn't stop until 3 am. With ear plugs in, I didn’t hear a thing. Weather for the morning was somewhat 'iffy' but with the flopper-stoppers out what's the worst that could happen? - we decided to leave.