September 27th was a beautiful & calm day giving us the opportunity to cruise north, outside in the Gulf.
We anchored at Desoto park, another favorite spot of ours. Tom & Susan (not the same Tom & Sue we saw in Englewood) didn’t have any tours scheduled so, on the 28th ,they brought their 60' catamaran, GLASS
SLIPPER, out to anchor by us
for a few days. Let the Domino games begin !! We dinked around & Wayne cleaned the bottom of the boat. We docked at Regatta Point Marina on October 1st.Sunny, hot, windy with rain on/off next few days. New special at the Reef & Grill - girls
drink free every Tuesday from 7 to 7:30!! (Hey! I’m still a girl at heart) Amazing how much you can drink in a ½ hour when it’s free. Wayne’s senior partner passed away a month ago & a memorial was scheduled for the 6th. Wayne flew out to Rockford, IL on the 3rd leaving me 6 days alone to do what I wanted, when I wanted to. It’s not that I don’t love Wayne but when you’re together 24/7/365 you gotta have some time to yourself. My dear Kathryn drove up from Ft Myers so I wouldn’t be alone for my birthday on Sunday. There was so much we could have done but we got lazy… happy hour & appetizers at the Grill & played dominoes with Tom & Susan. On the 7th Tom, Susan, Nymah & Kathryn
Susan, Tom, Kathryn, Me, Nymah |
took me to the Grill for Sunday brunch - my favorite thing to do. It was a lovely day with good friends. I was still concerned about Wayne after the ‘event’ he had. He seemed to be more forgetful & ‘spacey’. (I know, I know…typical for a man but I was still concerned) I spoke at length with our friend, Dan Stone, a retired Radiologist living in St Pete. He personally spoke with a Neurologist friend & an appointment was set for the 11th. After a thorough exam, they scheduled him for an Echocardiogram & lab work on the 12th & MRI/MRA & Carotid Ultrasound for the 15th. Things would never happen this quickly in the Keys so I was happy to be in St Pete. Thankfully, the results were normal except, as usual, his high cholesterol & LDL & his B12 was very low - they gave him a B12 shot on the spot. It was determined that he most likely had a TIA (transient Ischemic attack) - that wouldn’t show on the MRA.
Now that the serious business was done & done quickly, we had time to go to the Lauderdale boat show. It’s not that I don’t like to go to the show, it’s the temptation to spend big bucks. We said our farewells & left the marina on the
18th anchoring in Sarasota Bay.
Downtown Sarasota |
It was dead calm again the next day, not a ripple in the gulf - going ‘outside‘ saves us hours because we avoid the many low bridges that have to open for us. It took about 8 hours from Sarasota to Picnic Island near the Sanibel bridge
Picnic Island near Sanibel |
(yet another favorite spot). We had a bit of a scare when the transmission alarm sounded - a small leak was taken care of & we were on our way at m on the 20th
Scenes along the river
This guy landed next to us just to say 'hi' |
Just cooling off |
It took 4 hours to travel the Caloosahatchee River to get to the Franklin Lock, the 1st lock of 5 on the way across Florida. There are about 6 low bridges - some swing, some lift but all too low for us to get under…we need 28’.
Ft. Denaud swing bridge |
Some info about the waterway from a website
"This peaceful waterway goes through miles of untouched Florida Everglades & thousands of acres of Old Florida scrub and ranchland. It is the only navigable cross Florida canal. The waterway is 154 miles long & stretches from the Atlantic Ocean near Stuart, Florida to the Gulf of Mexico at Fort Myers. It is the only true cross Florida canal & river system that joins the east coast of Florida to the west coast.
Ortuna Lock |
St. Lucie Lock & Dam (from the web site) |
The eastern reach of the waterway starts in the St. Lucie River, passes through the St Lucie lock & dam, & enters Lake Okeechobee through a lock at Port Mayaca. From Port Mayaca
Mayaca Lock & Dam |
you cross 451,000 acre Lake Okeechobee by either a direct route to Clewiston, or a longer route along the south edge of the lake called the "rim route". From Clewiston the waterway continues west on the Caloosahatchee River to Fort Myers. Lake Okeechobee and the Okeechobee Waterway are part of the complex water management system known as the Central & Southern Florida Flood Control Project. This project was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), & is managed by them & by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD).
This project covers 16,000 square miles from just south of Orlando down through the Kissimme River to Lake Okeechobee & on south to Everglades National Park & Florida Bay in the Keys.
This project is of vital importance to the Florida Everglades. The ACOE operates 5 navigation locks & dams along the Okeechobee Waterway. From East to West they are:
St. Lucie Lock and Dam near Stuart
Port Mayaca Lock and Dam Near Canal Point
Moore Haven Lock and Dam at Moore Haven
Ortona Lock and Dam east of Labelle
Franklin Lock and Dam east of Fort Myers
Each lock location has a recreational area that is open to the public for year round use. Some of these areas have camping and picnic facilities."
Lake Okeechobee leaving Clewiston |