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YEA! it's Marco Island - we're almost there |
Anchored about 6pm on Tuesday, 8/12 - South Keewaydin Island (South of Naples-North of Marco) at Hurricane Pass...still light out - time for a rest from the 10+ hour cruise &, just in time for happy hour. Gorgeous evening.
The next day we gathered our stuff & the pups & off to the beach. Actually, it's Scupper & Jack who make it easy to meet people & they didn't disappoint us this day.
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Looks like Jack's being surrounded... |
That's Ray, a charter fisherman, showing 'little' Mike another way to gather & throw a cast net
We hung out at this anchorage about 5 days. Kathryn drove to Naples on 8/16 & Wayne picked her up in the dinghy. Another beach day. Weekends are packed with boats & it's fun to wander thru the crowds of people & dogs.
Then, afternoon storms come ashore & chases everyone away.
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I've never seen catfish swim around, in groups, on the surface ? They are the reason I don't fish here |
On Sunday, we dropped Kathryn by her car so she could drive back to Cape Coral. We kept Trixie on board. I was at the helm; Wayne was napping in his air chair; Trixie was sleeping on a towel in the seat next to the helm; Scupper was napping; Jack was wide awake looking for birds & Dolphin. I don't know what made me turn to check on Trixie but she must have moved around on the chair & slipped down between the seat & the back rest. This was the result.
Poor little thing - I LMAO & made her stay until I got my camera |
It took us 5 hours to cruise from Naples to the Cape Coral yacht basin/City park & Mickey's new, mult-level, Tiki/Restaurant called the Boat House. He wanted us to dock at the Tiki hut for the night as an attraction-we did.
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The Boathouse |
Years ago when we visited, there was a shack on this spot serving the most basic food - no alcohol. Now there's this very comfortable place to enjoy the shade & breezes - OH & a drink or two.
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Surf boards with drink holders for some tables. |
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Caloosahatchee River (part of the Okeechobee Waterway) |
waterway is 154 miles long and stretches from the Atlantic Ocean near
Stuart, Florida to the Gulf of Mexico at Fort Myers. It is the only
true cross Florida canal and river system that joins the east coast of
Florida to the west coast. - See more at: http://www.florida-backroads-travel.com/okeechobee-waterway.html#sthash.bmBESlIq.dpuf
waterway is 154 miles long and stretches from the Atlantic Ocean near Stuart,
Florida to the Gulf of Mexico at Fort Myers. It is the only true cross Florida
canal and river system that joins the east coast of Florida to the west coast."
The City of Cape Coral has done a remarkable job at this location for the residents; pool; ballroom; senior center; huge fishing pier; tennis courts & beautiful beach with a pavilion. - no cost even for parking.
The atmosphere of the Tiki totally changed at night- very beautiful- they spared no expense.
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A local artist hand made this then lit it up - it's AWESOME! |
Live music by our friend, Eric (on the right), & Poppa. (that's the same Eric who was fishing w/his brothers in the Keys) We try to go everywhere he's playing.
While at the Tiki on Sunday, we met the nicest couple - Jen & Mike. They were checking out BLUE MAX & I said "so, you like my boat?" Turns out they have been looking at trawlers & plan to live aboard. We took them on a tour & invited them over for happy hour one night.
We took a dock in the city marina on 8/18 for a month which we'll split up - a few weeks now & a few weeks on our return back down the coast.
We went to Mickey & Kathryn's for dinner 8/18 & 8/19. The dogs love it when we go there as they have lots of room to run & play. Mick put in dogie doors & fenced in the back yard so now none of has worry about the little terrors...
It has been SO hot here. I've never felt the heat like I have this year &, quite frankly, I've been happy to be in air conditioning. We had rain showers late in the afternoons which gave us a break from the blistering sun. On 8/20 Jen & Mike visited with a jug of Piasano & snax. I made Guacamole for the first time. The 'boys' ate the whole thing. Jen brought a pen & tablet to document answers to all their boating questions.
This, very well equipped & expensive (at LEAST 1/2 million $$) US Customs & Border Protection boat with four, 225 outboards is 2 slips away from us. I'm wondering why in the world it's here in Cape Coral - on the river ????????????? I think it went our two times this week with 3 guys for no more than 3 hours !!! Just goes to show you what our tax $$ can pay for. (I am SO over our government!)
Our tax $$ at work - oops, forgot it's NOT working |
Pleasant surprise on Saturday, Wayne's nieces, Renee & Raquel & kids visited. First, on the boat then we walked to the Tiki for lunch.
Starting on left with Loran, Raquel, Jordan, me, Auria, Renee, Wayne, Jose & Caleb |
I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to be around this family. Auria, the oldest, is 16-I think she was 2 when I met her. Loran was born a few years later when we were visiting Wayne's brother, Gregg & his wife, Joanne, then they just kept coming. Jordan is the youngest - already in 2nd grade.
It was a quiet, but still hot, Sunday. Wayne was 'researching' stuff...this is always a dangerous activity as his mind goes from one possible project to another. I worked on the blogs which is a fun activity for me. Scupper & Jack napped under their blankie.
Mike & Jen picked us up at 5 pm to have dinner at their condo. What a relaxing & enjoyable evening-it's like we've known them for years. Jen made Mike & Wayne's favorite, comfort dinner; meat loaf, green beans & potatoes & fresh corn off the cob. I love corn & no need for left-overs as I finished what was left.
We enjoyed another yummy dinner at Mick & Kathryn's on 8/25. Also, a special treat for the pups. We arrived before Kathryn got home & Scupper & Jack raced around the house looking for Trixie...The garage door opened...they stopped running & listened...that means Trixie's home! That's when the real fun began.
Quiet week, putted around, have no idea where the day goes. On 8/28, we bit the bullet & defrosted the freezer-UGH! hate that job, takes most of the day. Once defrosted & the food put back, then I have to take everything out of the refrigerator to clean it & remove all the water that seeped in from the freezer. Jen popped in bringing her homemade tomatoe pie - YUM! Our friends, Laura & Mike drove up from Naples Friday, 8/29. We had lunch & drinks at the Tiki then back to show them all the changes made to the boat.

It's funny, I say we don't often eat out, yet most of these pictures show us eating out! It was our turn to play host. I made roast pork, carrots, rice & beans & brownies for Mike & Jen on Saturday. First happy hour on the fly-bridge. Mikey & Kathryn joined us but not for dinner. YEA! we're going fishing (hopfully, catching) on Sunday with Mike & Jen - they picked us up in their gorgeous & very well equpped 22' Grady White. What a fishing machine. It's been a really long time since I fished the back bays & used live shrimp for bait. Mike also uses a bobber that has beads & when the line is jerked the beads click & attracks fish! Now, that's what I'm talking about! However, I've never used a bobber & took me some time to get used to it. Only Jen & I fished & Mike, bless his heart, baited our hooks (I'm in heaven). Wayne kept telling him to not spoil me. (I'm thinking he should learn a few things from Mike) Funny story. I asked Jen for some water, thinking it was in the cuddy cabin. Turns out the cooler was on the foredeck. She left her line in the water while getting the water for me. All of a sudden, something big hits her line. I hesitated to pick up her pole - after all, it is her fish. Mike's yelling...get it, get it. I jumped into action & pulled in the biggest speckled trout of the day so far. I must have told Jen...I'm SO sorry 100 times the rest of the day.
Soon, the tide changed & brought in one speckled trout after another. We went through 50 shrimp in no time. As fast as they hit, they were gone.
Jen & her pin fish-which we kept...but she did catch some awesome trout |
Ballyhoo is a great bait for trolling but it's expensive when you buy them pre-rigged- like $15 for 3...
it's why I rarely use them, however, Mike taught me how to rig a Ballyhoo. The idea is to get a hook where you see it (out its' butt see above) & then wrap thin wire around the mouth & gills so water doesn't blow the little bugger up when trolling.
He bought a few small ones to show me...You need a device that can be threaded thru the body & a short chain with a hook on the end. Then you need thin wire that wraps around the beak & gills.
Then you top it off with that little skirt thingy.
I am SO ready for the Bahamas!!! thanks Mike
End of a great day & all we 'girls' had to do was catch fish |
Jen & Mike suggested we go to their house, clean the fish, 'do' happy hour, cook the fresh fish & eat. To me, this was a no brainer! What a great day - thanks you two.
We went to Mick & Kates on Labor Day. Wanted to take them out to dinner but Mick likes to stay home after work (I know just what he means) so, we ordered Pizza & Wings & had another really nice night.
9/2 - time to go. Got pumped out then anchored at picnic island which is just north of the Sanibel bridge.
To the beach - got 2 bait fish & but no fish for dinner. Pulled the anchor the next morning & 2 1/2 hours later, we anchored at the south end of Cayo Costa. There were 3 guys fishing & within minutes, one caught 2, keeper snook. (season just opened 9/1) I was psyched. The tide was going out - sea grass was wizzing out the pass. I like to fish on an incoming tide. This time I got a bunch of bait fish when the tide was slack. We returned to the boat with the bait - the tide changed - I was ready. I looked up to see angry, black clouds all around us - we could see heavy rain coming towards us. We raced around closing windows, doors & hatches. Huge storm with winds about 30-50 knots & heavy rain prevented me from fishing at the most optimum time.
Cayo Costa sunset |
We planned to stay anchored at Cayo Costa but the wind was up causing waves that made us rock n roll. We pulled anchor at 1000 & went through the Gaspirilla swing bridge.
Next stop, Stump Pass & Englewood