Another journey for 2010 ? Lots of discussion about where to go? Reasoning for the new engine was to go “down island”, into the Caribbean- but how far? Well, that depends on many things, BUT if we wanted to, we could do that now. In addition, Wayne completed SO many projects and upgraded everything including improvements to the water maker, gauges, new wiring, all new batteries and lots of maintenance we couldn’t make any more excuses not to go.
We’ve been home since mid-December and it’s already March …I’m REALLY ready to get going but the projects continue. The tide chart shows nice high tides during the last week in March-beginning of April. I decree that that’s the deadline! (don’t forget-I am the Admiral) In the meantime, our really good friends, Mickey & Kathryn, from Ft Myers find themselves without employment as the restaurant Mickey managed was taken over. Suddenly, he was one of the millions of unemployed. Fortunately, he got a very substantial severance package and I got an idea - something I’ve thought about since we met them in 2004. CRUISE WITH US. I planted the seed…go with us on a shake-down cruise to the Dry Tortugas for a few weeks; lots of R&R, tons of fishing, snorkeling, good food and, of course, HAPPY HOURS. I let it settle in his brain to fester. Next thing I know, he’s done his research on fishing this time of the year, purchased fishing books, gathered his gear and ready to go. Alrighty then….
Thursday April 1st; The big day comes – the day of the high tide. Will it be an April Fool’s joke? We’re all psyched to leave. We wait and watch the tide coming up ever SO slowly but the joke’s on us! The tide never got as high as the charts say it should – it’s like 6-7” less than it needs to be for us to get out the channel. OMG! what now? Wayne said – ‘let’s do it”. Kathryn and I took the dinghy out ahead of them…soon they follow…Kathryn and I are praying, crossing fingers that they make it without going aground in the narrow, rocky channel…Captain Wayne does it again – another successful launch!
Thursday, April 1st Mickey took over my duty of securing the mooring lines to the boat – a yucky job at that! (why do you think we invite friends along? & he cooks too !) We can’t clean the salon or the forward cabin because there’s still work to do on the water maker and we’re waiting for parts to arrive. Every conceivable tool and tool box, nuts, screws, hoses are scattered everywhere. But Wayne is now putting away unnecessary tools - things are looking up. Good news, the parts arrived! Mickey makes us another outstanding steak, baked potato, Caesar salad for dinner. They stay in the cottage and we spend our 1st night away from the sea wall – Ahhhh. Heavenly night; stars were bright and a full moon shown down upon us – not a ripple in the water who could want more than this?
Friday, April 2nd; Wayne spent another full day working non-stop on the water maker; After 3-4 trips to Ace Hardware-by 6pm he shut things down and announced, “we cruise tomorrow”. **YIPEE**! Back to the cottage for Pizza. I still can’t get the satellite TV to work on the boat…we’re only a mile from the house and facing the same direction - I don’t get it??!! I am not a happy camper because Monday night is Dancing with the Stars and Tuesday is American Idol!!!
Saturday, April 3rd; As Mel Fisher said; “Today’s the Day”. By 11am we put away ½ of our Home Depot inventory and secured everything in their rightful-hidden places on the boat; Wayne picked up Mick & Kate; put the dinghy on board and at 11:45 we drop the mooring lines and we were off. Officially, the adventure begins. Gorgeous day but the winds persisted at 12 knots from
The world as seen by Mickey
After all the excitement of the morning we treated ourselves to brunch - eggs Benedict and Mimosas. Yummy…then off to the beach – cast nets, buckets, fishing poles and Scupper in tow – Molly watched the boat. It was chilly on the boat with steady winds at 15-20k, but on the beach, out of the wind, it was downright hot, but very welcomed.
Skunked again!!- not one bait-fish to be found. I needed a break so Kate, Scupper and I wandered the beach but we were really searching for a cigarette…OH…I forgot to tell you – Kate and I decided since we’d be in the middle of nowhere, wouldn’t it be a great time to quit smoking ????????

Veggin Out
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