Monday, May 24th - Gathering, packing, organizing trying to stuff everything in a duffle bag that meets their criteria as a carry on. I did it! We went out for a ‘good bye’ dinner with Tom and Susan - the best baby back ribs I’ve had in years. AND if you got drinks during happy hour, you then drink happy hour prices for the rest of the night!! Great deal…of course, we had a few more drinks than we normally would have. Tuesday, May 25th - The big travel day. I hate the hassle of flying and in today’s world, it’s even worse. I used some of our World Points for air & car rental but all I had was a print out from the web…shouldn’t I have more than that ?? It was a good choice to have Dean drive me to the airport in the Marina’s complimentary van. We met at 8:15am. My plane was leaving at 10:30. I arrived in plenty of time to have a margarita. Now I’m ready to fly. One stop over in Charlotte. Didn’t think much of it until I realized that my next plane was leaving from a gate at least 5 miles away !! Hitched a ride - you know, the golf carts that transport the old and decrepit. Rental car hassle was next - But not so, it was painless. (god I’m getting negative in my old age!) I ordered a compact, like a Versa, instead, the guy fumbled around the drawer and gave me a key to an black Dodge Avenger- fully loaded. I think he liked me. I got a bit turned around on the
highway but finally corrected my error. However, I didn’t arrive in Kitty Hawk until 7pm. David was frantic. He lives with a wonderful family, Jeremy, Eileen and her 16 year old daughter, Veronica. What
Veronica, David, Jeremy, Eileen, Jamie
a cutie, but a typical teen ager. I'm staying at a little motel down the beach called Beach Haven. Raina runs the joint - she’s great and so is the location.
View from the motel
I was pretty exhausted & frantic by the time I arrived at the Hilton in Kitty Hawk. I called David & got directions to his house only 1/8 mile from the hotel. After hugs and kisses from David, I was greeted at the door by a monster, black & white Pit Bull who, I was sure, perceived me as dinner. Her name is Harley and the most
precious thing - can’t help but love her. We all had drinks and the boys cooked dinner. Eileen said she was nervous meeting me because she didn’t want me to think David was living with ‘riff raff’. I didn’t check in Beach Haven till midnight but there was Raina, coming to the rescue 
to help me get settled. Can’t say enough about the motel and the marvelous staff - they made me feel very much at home. David had off for 3 days and we settled into a routine. I let him sleep till about 11 then I’d call to wake him up. In the meantime, I had my coffee, walks to the beach, primped and pampered myself for a change. On Wednesday, we spent the afternoon at the motel just talking - it was great for both of us. We went back to the house every night for dinner. They wouldn’t let me treat them for dinner so, as a thank you, I bought them Yeagermeister and Crown Royal, their
Winnie & Winnie
their favorite adult drinks. Eileen’s friends from South Philly - Winnie and David !! Now how weird is that ? David took me on a tour of the Hilton and the Ramada, both on the beach and both owned by Sterling, the owner . We also saw a fox roaming wild in the dunes at the Ramada - Who’d expect to see
a wild fox at the beach no less !!
David and I went to the Wright Brother’s museum and to Manteo, a sweet little town with a marina. Of course, Wayne knew all about it and has been there. Nice place to stay if we ever get up there.
Unfortunately, David had to work some weddings at the Pier House mid-afternoons on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I popped in to see him while they were setting up and met his boss, Robin, and the owner