Wayne signed us up for another month at the marina! I can see where this is going and not where I wanted to go. For some reason, we can’t connect with the internet via our Verizon air card. No answer when I called for help. Will try tomorrow. I’m afraid to wonder what else is going to shut down ! Scupper got a bath - she’s SO spoiled!
Sunday, May 9th Happy mother’s day mom – I miss you bunches.
Wayne and Kate surprised me by cleaning up the deck from my scraping efforts, then wiped the teak down with acetone in preparation of the first coat of Cetol. That done, Mick and I set off in the dinghy to catch some trout. NOT ! Skunked again. Our neighbor caught two huge alligator trout trawling along the shore line, so that’s what we did…nothing – nada! BUT, we did encounter a monster from the deep-or so it seemed and we were only in in 2ft of water! Something rose from beneath right beside the dinghy bringing up at least a foot of water and mud from the bottom – so much muck we couldn’t see exactly what it was. “it” made a mighty ruckus and a splash, almost landing on top of me…too fast and furious for me to get a picture but sure did scare the begeesus out of us! The event was the only fish story we could bring back with us. The Marina hosts
An 'inside' cook OUT ?
a monthly ‘cook out’ on the third floor of the restaurant. They provide the main course and non
alcoholic beverages, boaters provide side dishes and desserts. Tonight, hot dogs and burgers.
Week of May 10th - Monday Gorgeous morning, air is cooler, 14k wind blowing from the east; turned off the a/c…ahhh, lovin it. The morning started out with a bang. I called ‘611’ for Verizon. She verified there was nothing wrong with our account; We verified that the air card was OK as it worked in our other laptop. Welder Tom arrived in the midst of the confusion taking off the bow sprit stanchions – Mickey helped him. The screws have been in place for almost 30 years and tough to remove. The other Tom, came asking for help to install the beach 
landing ramp on the tour boat. Wayne, Mick and Kathryn went to help while I put another coat of varnish on the grab rails and eyebrow…I finished as they returned to the boat…they successfully installed the ramp. Sometimes, things do work out without a glitch. Mick and Kate returned to Ft Myers :>(
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