Sept. 24th David visited after he took Shannon to Café Luna. A surprise visit from my long-lost (other) son, Richard. Best friends since they were kids 
Richard & David
& haven’t seen each other in six years. Emotional reunion. Saturday the 25th Leisurely day on the boat. No work on the boat because it’s another weekend-we’re dead in the water. Richard and his wife, “yo” Adrienne picked us up for dinner & took us to Café Luna. Being a bit late was a good thing since the majority of the customers were already gone and we had more private time with David & Shannon.
Wayne, David, Shannon, Richard, Adrienne
Shannon operates this restaurant with her partner, Ed. We got to meet Ed & Shannon’s mom, Susan & her brother, Mike. We were able to have dinner in peace and Shannon could join us at the very cozy ’Godfather’ table in the corner. This drawing of the cast of the Godfather hangs above
the cozy corner table - it’s fabulous! I just couldn’t get a good picture using the flash. It was a perfect night of good food, story telling and (reunited) good friends. It just doesn’t get any better than this… We took David, Shannon, Susan and Shannon’s sister, Alexis, for a boat ride on Sunday, September 26th . Magnificent weather, just enough clouds so it wasn’t too hot. We toured Port Royal going in and out of canals…then proceeded south down the ICW towards Marco. We stopped for a swim at a beach 
Alexis & Shannon
visited by many locals. David jumped in off the fly bridge just like he did when he was a kid. I don’t think he anticipated
such a strong current but he made it to the beach OK. Glorious day. On Monday 27th we met Dave and Shannon for a quick drink then they were off to the races again. Shannon works full time for Caldwell Banker, a Real Estate company & also is part owner & works at Cafe Luna. On Tuesday, Sept.28th we hung out on the boat and at 4pm Shannon picked us up, made a few stops for dog food and groceries then on to her home for her first-ever dinner party - David was cooking. She has a beautiful and unique home in a quiet neighborhood off the East Trail. Coincidentally, their home is around the corner from Manor Health Care, a long-term care facility, I transferred to from Philly in
1983. Note the entry way that leads into a screened-in pool area. All doors opens into this protected area. The single door on the right is the ‘cabana’ - a full
bedroom/bath. Very neat design. Fabulous dinner of steaks cooked to perfection, veggies in oil and garlic and real mashed potatoes. Wednesday 29th, we stayed an extra day due to the uncertainty of TS Nicole but thankfully, no threat to us on the west coast. We left the dock on Thursday 30 about 10:30 we headed south on the ICW and anchored in Marco at 12:15 pm…shortest trip we’ve taken but we’ll be close to the Capri Pass and an easy out to the Gulf in the morning.