Brian, Wayne & Patti
Dawn, Brian’s sister. Same scenario as Eric - “yes, I do have a girlfriend” but who’s ever seen her?? Sunday, Sept 19th A slightly different crew - no baby so Kathryn could loosen up. Today I got to meet 

Kathryn, Lisa, Shannon, me & Patti
David & Scupper
Kate & the crazy dawg
Shannon. WOW such a sweet girl. Love is definitely in the air. Here’s David riding on the motorized cooler!
Week of September 19th Yahoo!, Dancing with Stars begins. Both Jo and I excused ourselves and went our separate ways to watch. Reviewed our thoughts about the dancers the next morning. It was a nice, relaxing week with no rain. Dogs loved the grass, Wayne loved the pool and I got somewhat hooked on crossword puzzles - Jo gave me one with BIG print. On the 21st Gregg and Jo took us to Bert’s ‘shack’ 
in Matlacha. Typical waterfront set up and only one server but has a neat history. 23rd We were ready to get pumped out (the doo doo tank) and invited Gregg and Jo to go on a boat ride. Don’t forget, we haven’t had rain in two weeks. Pump out is free at the Cape Coral ‘yacht’ club - we docked but not a soul to be found. The sky was getting pretty angry and the wind picked up in the river. Despite that, we cruised up to the Fort Myers yacht basin and got pumped out there. We were able to dock for free while touring the newly renovated ‘downtown’ section. The entire downtown area was torn up last time we visited & boy did they do a great job with renovations.
It was hot & humid. Gregg wanted to know how long a walk it would be. We had lunch and before we were done, it started to rain really hard. We managed to get our pictures taken in front of Toot’s Dollar Store between the rain drops. We dropped
them off at their dock, I ran in to get my laundry and away we went. Anchor down near the Sanibel Bridge for the night. Left the anchorage at 9:15am on the 24th and took a dock in Naples at 2 pm.
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