Saturday, May 14, 2011

2011 - 5/1 to 5/14 - STILL in Boot Key Harbor

Finally, I got something done that I wanted - a fold down extension table in the galley. Wayne made the table. I gave a local artist pictures of some of our favorite places. He studied them, picked our brains and after several weeks came up with this beautiful art piece.
I think the boat grew roots. I can't believe we're still in Marathon-25 miles from our home...It was obvious a few weeks ago that we would not make to Nassau by 5/11 for me to catch my flight to I booked a flight out of Lauderdale knowing we'd surely be there by then. NOT! Plan C…rent a car and drive to Lauderdale; stay overnight; Wayne returns to Marathon;  waits for parts; finishes the multiplexer/computer project and he and Mickey cruise BLUE MAX up to Lauderdale to pick me up by the 17th.  
However, we did manage to squeeze in one last Tiki party on the 7th.  Tons of food, booze was aplenty and the music extraordinary.We really  had a wonderful time in Boot Key Harbor.  It truly is one of the only really boater friendly harbors in FL.  Here are just a few incredible people we met while hangin' out there: David & Jen live aboard in the harbor.
David and Jen
She's a fabulous hair stylist and he, a computer guru who was instrumental in getting all things computer to operate on BLUE MAX.  Amy and her pirate husband, Jake. They are cruisers
Amy and Jake
on a gorgeous 44' Choy Lee Ketch. Jake has weapons of mass destruction on board...really loud canons. Picture it...sunset...all's quiet, suddenly, you hear FIRE IN THE HOLE! and BAM !! then from our boat you hear "TAPS" playing loudly from the fly bridge.  It is patriotic you know. Mike and Margey cruisers aboard BRAVE TURTLE. In a few short months, they managed to sell their (1st) Brave Turtle and bought larger & incredible new BRAVE TURTLE, got it ready to go and are now in the Bahamas where WE should be already.  Mary & her best friend, Ozzie...Wayne has known her since he arrived

Margey & Mike
in Marathon in the mid-90's.  Just a plain great person. Think she met her love this winter...we wish her all the best cuz she deserves it.
Mary & Ozzie

Just a few reasons why we love to be on the water, visiting new places and meeting new friends.

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