7/19 con’t… About 4:30 we decided to wander around on shore to see how much has changed &,maybe, have a glass of wine at the bar. Everything has changed - the harbor has expanded greatly with really nice floating docks; the quaint, little restaurant didn't change which is a good thing. There's a huge, new pool with swim up bar but closed; New Key West style homes abound, many for sale; The big structure on the right is the unfinished club house; the last house on the right of all the houses belongs to Wayne Huisinga,JR- dad sold it to him cuz he didn't like it here....a rain shower started & flooded all walk ways. We met some interesting people at the bar & stayed longer than anticipated…got home too late for dinner - popcorn night. 7/20 No change in weather. Storm
Members only dining room
BLUE MAX seen from the beach
Jacqulyn, Sarah, Jen, Olivia
Wayne & the 'LICK IT' girl
Clouds surround us every day with threatening thunder boomers. Living aboard is the same as being at home but in a smaller space - you get into a routine &, sometimes, a rut. But we sure enjoy the feel of a gently rocking boat ;seeing water all around us than another house & to see the sky filled with stars most nights. In this weather, we mostly wear swim suits if anything at all. Today? Play day. Trolled around Mamma Rhoda Rocks & picked up 5 yellow tail (on a McDonald's straw & hook) for Wayne’s dinner-I’m having Lobster tail. I got a few significant hits that I doubted I’d be able to boat the darn things but they all broke loose. Never did see what it was. After cleaning the fish my work is done for the day (except to cook & clean up of course). Back in the water with Molly & Scupper to cool them off. We planned to head for Nassau tomorrow, but it was so pleasant & comforting here, we decided to stay a few more days. 7/21We got an unexpected visit from a couple on a kayak, Jennifer & Joe. They have a home on the island but not part of the ‘resort’ debacle (now bankrupt & Scotia Bank owns the resort). They’ve been here for the past 2 weeks. Their teen-aged daughter, Sarah & her girl friends, Jacquelyn & Olivia, opened & operated the pool bar since being here-no one stopped them nor did they get permission-they just did it. The girls were in Nassau for 2 days so that’s why it wasn’t open yesterday. At 5:00 we took the dinghy to the beach & joined everyone at the bar. All drinks, $5 & they were hefty drinks. Part of the adventure of cruising is you never know who you’ll meet. People from all over the world travel to the islands. Tonight was no different. There was a rather nerdy guy, sits on the Chicago Stock Exchange & incredibly wealthy (who woulda guessed). He was on a large Sea Ray named LICK IT. (I can hear him now calling out on the VHF-"Chub Cay Marina this is LICK IT) He's traveling with his captain, Mario, & 2 women he picked up somewhere (?). Wayne especially liked the one in the white swim suit... I call her the 'Lick-it' girl. I was getting into the dinghy, it moved a bit, lost my balance & flipped over backwards into the water - The kids must have slipped me some 151 rum-the devil's brew! 7/22-23 The winds picked up from the east. We re-anchored closer to shore to avoid the surge from the waves coming around the point of the island. We visited with Jen & Joe at their lovely house overlooking the ocean. Today is their last day on the island then back to NJ! On Saturday, we took the dinghy to circle & explore the entire island. We were gone for hours but stopped at beaches along the way to stretch our legs & swim. We entered a large lake-like area in the middle of the island. We thought it a perfect spot for fish to breed & the little ones to grow big. Surprisingly, to us at least, there were many turtles & it was fun to watch them swim like crazy then pop up for a quick breath of air. Scupper spotted them too.
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