Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 - Christmas - New Years - Naples - South Keeywaydin

We got a hotel room in Naples on the 24th so we could spend Christmas with my son,
 David, Shannon, Anthony & Nicholas in their new home. It’s hard to believe that Anthony is 14 & Nicholas, who’s trying really hard to walk on his own, is 15 months old. They say Nicholas has
my eyes…He's got the best personality - of course with his parents, he can't help it...

Once again, the usual suspects were present…it was great to see Mike, Laura, & Kit again.

Shannon, Laura & me

Nicholas & Shannon
Since David got full custody of Anthony  it was agreed that I could finally take Anthony on the boat for a week. Then we talked to Mike & Laura about also spending time on the boat for NY Eve.
David brought Anthony to Gregg’s on the
My beautiful Anthony
28th - we cruised south & anchored by the beach in Rookery Bay, South Keeywaydin Island which is just north of Marco Island.
Crazy kid (like his dad) We were in the dinghy 'just in case'
…Ahhhh….alone with my Anthony - a dream I’ve had for years. He’s so brilliant, not just with his studies, but in every day life - I’m so proud of him. Unfortunately, it was pretty cold in the 50’s…no swimming for me but Anthony had no problem he swam out to the boat from the beach. Taught him how to use the cast net. Hard as we tried, no bait so no fish for dinner.
Laura took this from the dock as we were waiting for a space to pick them up
Wayne taught Anthony how to run the dinghy & off they went. We had a wonderful few days together but we were excited to pick up Mike & Laura at
 the Naples City docks on the 31st. They, too, were eager to be on the boat for an adventure they’ve never had. They had tons of luggage & figured they would be staying for a month! (that was fine by us) After saying our ‘hellos’ & orienting them to the boat, we
Check out the beached boat on the low tide!
Rafted up - these guys had the best bon fire
 headed back to the beach area. Things were heating up as dozens of people arrived erecting tents,
gathering wood for bon fires & playing on the beach. Mike & Anthony went exploring on the dinghy while we vegged out for a few hours on board.  
Anthony, Mike & Henry ?? unfortunately, not dinner
 I’ve never seen Laura so relaxed - she knitted, read & sat out in the sun. Hard to keep up with Mike, he never stops. We’ve never had a total of 5 people on the boat but we just meshed-it was great. 
That's Mike in the pink Tee shirt
After dinner we headed ashore, wine jug & Scupper in tow. Bon fires were roaring & sizzling up & down the beach…it was beautiful & the people, the people were awesome inviting
 us to join their groups. Scupper was in her glory as everyone had a tid-bit for her to eat. Since it was chilly, the fires were a welcomed relief. Somewhere   along the way, we ‘lost’ Laura & there she was sound asleep in the sand with her head on a log! Poor baby. I had to pee & wandered into the high sea grass…for some reason I couldn’t get up or gain footing. My hero, Mike, came to the rescue & carried me back to the beach.
Star fish in the shallows
 Shame is no one took a picture & I simply can’t remember it happened?? We had no idea what time it was & just as the dinghy reached the boat we heard everyone on shore say…5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Rats! We missed the big moment! I think we banged our pots & pans just like we did in Philly. (after the sea grass incident, everything's a bit blurry for me)  We all agreed it was the best & most memorable NY Eve any of us have ever had.

Crazy man Mike
Fins to the left....Fins to the right
We thought it couldn't get any better until the next day when we came across a huge pod of
Dolphin...what a treat for all of us.  
Took a dock & sadly said good bye to everyone on the 3rd - but the fun wasn’t over yet. Kathryn drove down from Ft Myers & along with Anthony, had dinner at Cafe Luna (Shannon is partner in this wonderful Italian restaurant) We left the docks on the 4th & anchored in Port Royal for the night.


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