Little Molly ready for the rain
12/25 We spent Christmas Day at Mick & Kate’s along with Kate’s daughter, Shannon, her SO, Eric & Bob. Even Molly & Scupper got gifts. It was very festive & great fun…I
Mickey, Kate, Shannon, Eric, Bob, W&W
even got to play some pool. 12/26 Erlene & Rob came to see the boat & we wound up spending a lovely afternoon together. It rained a bit in the morning on Tuesday the 27th - we returned to Mickey’s for more fun & games, yummy dinner & live
music by Eric & Mickey by the fire pit…it got pretty nippy that night. On Wednesday, the 28th Wayne, Gregg & I took the boat to Tarpon Point for a pump out & later, took Gregg & Jo out for dinner at Wine & Roses, a nice 
little Italian restaurant in town. The next morning we were on the boat minding our own business when we heard a loud knock. Wayne opened the door & there stood 4 people - Wayne didn’t recognize any of them at first…turns out it was David & Karen Fiskum, old friends from Racine, WI. The other two, Bob & Susan, neighbors & winter renters of David & Karen. We last saw them in Racine in 2004. They moved to Cape Coral
2004 - W&W, Karen & David
several years ago & have been trying to find us ever since via Google etc. Here’s what happened; David & Karen were showing Bob & Susan around Cape Coral; Gregg’s house in one house in from the main street; they drove down the main street & back out; Karen was looking down all the canals & saw BLUE MAX; she was shocked & told David who immediately turned around; he asked the guy across the canal if he knew who owned the boat-he didn’t know but the owner of the house is Gregg. They knocked on Gregg’s door & Gregg didn’t recognize them .JPG)
David, Karen, W&W- 2011
right away either. David call this his “Christmas Miracle”. We agreed. Cape Coral is HUGE & the odds of this happening must be 1 in a million! We went to see their beautiful house then to the Monkey Bar for dinner. David is really knowledgeable & into financials so he & Wayne were head to head studying the stocks. Dec. 31st was sunny & hot. We spent early NY eve at Micilli's on Matlacha & were joined by David, Karen, Bob, 
Erlene, Winnie & Rose
Bob & Susan
Rose & RogerSusan, Erlene, Rob, Rose, Roger, Charlie & Norma. David & Karen went to Ft Myers & the rest of us had dinner. I think we were home by 10!! Sure sucks to get old. It got pretty cold, 
Rob & Erlene
Norma & Charlie
sometimes down into the 40’s & 60‘s!! We met with Karen & David several more time this week, at the boat, breakfast, dinner - it was a fun time. Unfortunately, it was time to leave the Shosie’s resort & we took a mooring ball in Ft. Myer’s Beach on Jan. 7th The weather went from sunny & warm to another cold front with overcast skies & wind blowing 20 knots. Had lunch with Eric & Sharrin & dinner & dancing at the .JPG)
Eric & Sherrin
Karen, Winnie & SusanJacaranda Club on Sanibel Island with David, Karen, Bob & Sue. Eric & Sharrin were playing & I had a ball dancing with who ever was brave enough to get up & shake their bootie.
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