8/19 Beautiful morning - still hot, a bit overcast but bright enough to snorkel. We moved BLUE MAX to the beach side of the island. This was the no wake sign at Gun Point. It looks like this point was used
to protect the harbor ~ hence the name. We took the dinghy to several different reefs. It was nice but I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t see more fish 
School of Blue Tangs
or vibrant coral. I really have to get in shape again, it’s been several years since I’ve snorkeled. My underwater camera was acting up again -had no 
Parrot Fish
view from the LED screen & not seeing it flash…Well, it is a point & shoot camera so that’s what I did…didn’t know if I had pictures until I down-loaded the card. Not my best pictures for sure
It took 1 ½ hrs to get to Royal Harbor where we anchored for the night. No internet again but can’t believe I’m still getting premium movie channels.
Rose Island Anchorage
8/20 ~ We pulled anchor about 10am headed for Rose Island which runs almost parallel to the eastern end of New Providence, (Nassau) & Paradise Island & only a few miles away. A heavy rain storm greeted us which makes anchoring extremely annoying. Sweet spot ~ protection from the north, south & east. A few homes scattered on the hill with stone
steps down to the water. It’s being in places like this, quiet, secluded & peaceful, that make us stay for days. We had bars for Wifi, but unable to connect. We explored a bit in the dinghy & found a rather large body of water that circles a smallish island totally surrounded by lime rock & Casuarina trees. (…like a cross between a Pine & a Willow…they were imported from Australia. In FL. we call them Australian Pines & are being removed because of their shallow root system) A great Hurricane-Hole. We 
Taken from inside the Lagoon
learned it was the beginning of a development by some investors then sold to the Ritz Carlton group for about 100 million. Then sold back to the original owners who already re-couped 30 Million of their investment by selling properties. (why can't we be that smart!)Our exploration was cut short due to another heavy rain shower. 8/22 ~ Work day… clean the heads, do laundry & the freezer was in dire need of defrosting. It’s been 2 months since last done. The large cooler on the fly bridge is emptied of fishing & snorkeling equipment then taken to the galley
where all the freezer items are stored until defrosting is done. This takes several hours using a fan & heat gun. Found a great oldies station from Nassau & that’s how we heard about Hurricane Irene! The forecast takes her up the entire Bahamas chain of Cays. Without internet access, phone service & not another living soul around, we had to depend on the radio. A miracle happened, a man was docking by those homes you see above…Wayne high-tailed it over to talk with him. He strongly suggested we immediately take the boat to that hurricane hole we explored yesterday as commercial boats & others tie up there too ~ 1st come, 1st served.
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