Monday, May 23, 2005

2005-5-23 - Los Testigos - Venezuela

Sticky buns & Bloody Mary's - now that's what I'm talkin' about! You see "Captain's Story time"? That's a morning event almost everyone attends. Our Captain Jorge is from Columbia. He's very knowledgeable & prepared every morning to discuss just about everything history. We were mesmerized & at that early hour, that's an amazing feat.

"The Los Testigos Islands are located about 400 km (250 mi) northeast of Caracas and about 80 km (50 mi) northeast of Isla Margarita..The archipelago has an area of 6.53 square km (2.52 square miles) and consists of 6 major islands and a number of smaller rock islets". 

I Googled Los Testigos & most of the information was in ?Spanish? (something I couldn't read) but what I could read about the island was confusing. I can tell you, we were not on the main island but where we were was MAGNIFICENT! I enjoyed every minute here &, was by far, my most favorite stop.
As you can see, there are only a few 'shacks' along the beach...many belong to fishermen. I could live here in a heart beat!

GRACE anchored in the background

The lifeboats are also used as the dinghy. It wasn't easy for some of the older, over weights to get off & back onto the dinghy from the beach. It was quite a sight watching the crew try to pull them into the boat & at the same time one was pushing up from the rear.

 I walked down the beach meeting many locals & found a "restaurant". You can see the sign to call on VHF 16 for service. 
This is where I met Jennifer & her mom (can't remember mom's name). Jennifer spoke English & told me she takes a boat to the mainland for school. I spent quite a bit of time with this wonderful family. Her mom was making necklaces but seemed to have trouble seeing close up. I gave her my reading glasses & her face lit up with delight - she could now clearly see what she was doing. 
Jen & her mom with my reading glasses on

I don't know if this is Jen's brother, but I know he's a fisherman. 
 I wondered if they got this monster shark near the island where we were all swimming ???

Some brave souls, including our Captain, climbed the mountain just behind the beach. I didn't go so these gorgeous pictures are not mine. kinda wish I had gone along. 

What an amazing view


 For such a small island, there was lots to see & experience.

Wayne remembers the Venezuelan Coast Guard boarding the GRACE for a 'look around'. Of course, anyone arriving in a boat wearing a uniform in a foreign country is just plain menacing to me. The captain must have known they were coming as he wined them & dined them & treated them like royalty.  No pictures allowed.

Next stop - Isla Margarita, Venezuela

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